What will be Illustration trends 2016? The most popular within the last few years FLAT is still the leader. However during this time both the style had undergone significant changes and its derivatives had appeared.
These are Lineart (that also began to develop on its own but more on that later), and Gradient Flat (called so because of the particular painting objects) and Isometric Flat that is rapidly gaining popularity.
It will be interesting to see how the style evolved before considering it in details.
Flat was at the beginning. Simple but always geometrically correct. With one-color fill and as a rule was based on trend color schemes.
In a while Line-art style had been developed. In fact this is Outlined Flat. It means that it has flat form’ rules but without a filling – only lines.
Gradually becoming more and more complex Flat had been changed due to tight framework of geometry. Illustrators started using more free forms and at the same time preserving “geometricity”.
Some illustrators in their creative searches started using gradients to fill objects. “Gradient Flat ” could be distinguished as a separate direction. But despite of effectiveness this style is not widely used.
Objects with “volumetric” Flat started appearing more and more often. Artists started adding one more face, drawing objects already on both sides – not one as it was before.
Full isometry did not take long. Started from the classical Flat and absorbed the best traditions of various isometric games Isometric Flat today could be called as a separate style becoming popular day by day.
Of course time and costs are usually higher than in Classic Flat but usage of ready-made libraries with constantly updated objects allows not just catch up on time Isometric Flat Illustration but also overtake! At the same time in some cases it gives possibility to create more effective and modern illustration.
What about Flat? Of course this style will long be present in commercial graphics for many reasons. First of all these are low costs and speed of creating illustrations in this style on a background of friendliness and effectiveness.