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Funny flat kid style happy wild animals icon set. Rhino wolf tiger fox boar lion giraffe elk hedgehog bear elephant rabbit hippo. Zoo animal web infographic collection.
Engraving style pen pencil crosshatch hatching paper painting retro vintage vector lineart illustration wild animals set. Lion camel rhino hedgehog scorpio.
Flat design vector animals icon set. Bear, fox, hare, rabbit, moose, hedgehog, mouse, deer, wolves. Flat zoo children cartoon collection.
Funny children animals icon set. Kid language learning elements. Giraffe, hedgehog, unicorn, fish, butterfly, ostrich, hamster, woodpecker, squirrel. Animal Zoo collection.
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What will be Illustration trends 2016? The most popular within the last few years FLAT is still the leader. However during this time both the style had undergone significant changes and its derivatives had appeared.
Now we have to take care about HOW logo could be illustrated. Lets expand the visualization process on a few simple steps.
«Great company logo» – what is it? Memorable?! High quality?! Modern?! Minimal?! Trendy?! With a meaning?!