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Cake flower card champange pizza fireworks. Birthday Valentine holiday handdrawn engraving style template objects set. Pen pencil crosshatch hatching paper drawing retro vintage lineart illustration.
Home table electronics glossy app dashboard icon vector set. Stylish modern mobile web application icons collection. TV telephone bucket lamp food processor mincer blender fan camera air conditioner.
Flat style car wash cleaning service icon set. Wax foam detergent shower water shampoo vacuum cleaner worker stand conceptual icons.
Christmas and New Year flat style decoration labels icon set. Bear, sweet cake, candy, present bag, wine bottle and glass, donut, candle, fireworks, glasses, balloon. Collection of holiday web icons.
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What will be Illustration trends 2016? The most popular within the last few years FLAT is still the leader. However during this time both the style had undergone significant changes and its derivatives had appeared.
Now we have to take care about HOW logo could be illustrated. Lets expand the visualization process on a few simple steps.
«Great company logo» – what is it? Memorable?! High quality?! Modern?! Minimal?! Trendy?! With a meaning?!